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God`s Squad CMC Ukraine
God`s Squad CMC Ukraine
Sat - 27 Jul - 10:44 am
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God's Squad CMC Україна 2011 Guestbook

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To all our brothers in Ukraine and their famalies, we wish you a peacefull Christmas time.

Much love and respect from all Associates and Supporters
GS CMC Pilgrim Chapter Ireland.
John Corky Corcoran.
John Corcoran - GS CMC
Ireland 20 Dec 2011 5:04 pm

Have a blessed christmas and happy new year, brothers!
Isak - GSCMC
Finland 18 Dec 2011 3:49 pm

I share the same christian values as your club
padre Vitaliy
Odesa 4 Dec 2011 6:05 pm

Ребята, дай вам Бог здоровья и всего самого красивого в этой жизни. Спасибо за теплый прием, спасибо за внимательную аудиторию. Всегда Ваш Крышень Валерий. "Dreams come true"
http://proidysvit.com/ 5 Jul 2011 3:25 pm

Вітаем з відкриттям сезону!Всього найкращого ,до зустрічі на дорогах!
Речник - Banderas MC
http://www.banderas-mc.com Chernivci 22 Apr 2011 6:14 pm

Hello brothers
I get your test e-mail this day.
Gods blessings to you all.

j.postma - BFC
the netherlands 4 Mar 2011 9:29 am

thank you guys for your congratulations!

it was a big privilage for all of us to have Howie here in Ukraine!

thank you Brother for your coming!!!

with Love and Respect

Pasha - GSCMC
Ukraine 21 Jan 2011 3:09 pm

Hey Ivan and Bogdan, Many Gongrats with your full member status and Vova and Misha on making prospect. very good job. Keep on doing the good stuff.
Bless you guys in your new status.
Love and Respect
Dennis Associate
GSCMC Associates
The Netherlands
Dennis - GSCMC Associates
The Netherlands 21 Jan 2011 12:33 pm

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